Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter
Jan. 24, 2021
Students did list 26 last week. The students had to write sentences with their spelling words. Next week we will be doing sort 27. There will be no spelling the week of Feb. 8.
Students are reading chapter books in small break out rooms. They are learning vocabulary words and answering questions about the book. Reading groups will continue this week. I strongly encourage the children to reread the chapters we are reading. Another suggestion is to make pictures of the events in the chapter as they are reading.
Students finished their first opinion essay. The students had a chance to work with a small group to edit and revise their essays. Next week the students will pick a new topic for an opinion essay. The focus will be on organizing the ideas and paragraphs.
This past week we focused on fractions. The students are working on identifying which fractions are larger. They made fractions with paper, on a number line, and with pattern blocks using a website. Next week we will wrap up Unit 4 with our assessment on Thursday.
This past week we began our unit about rocks, sand, and soil. The students WILL need the sand sent home this week. I have it planned for Thursday afternoon. I recommend a container for the sand. The students will be off zoom doing the experiments.
Absent or Tardy
Just as expected of a typical school year, students are expected to make up work that was missed due to being absent or tardy. Almost all assignments are listed on Google Classroom. The videos of the lessons can be found in Google Classroom. If your child needs help completing an assignment we help them at the end of the day.
Upcoming Dates
- Tuesday, January 26, 2021-Board Meeting
- Wednesday, January 27, 2021 – 100 Day of School
- Friday, January 29, 2021 – E-Learning Planning Day, No school for students
- Friday, January 29, 2021- Materials Pick-Up
- Monday, February 8, 2021 – 1st Day Hybrid Learning
- Thursday, February 11, 2021 – Early Release-Teacher in-service
- Valentine’s Day Party
- Friday, February 12, 2021 – No School-Teacher in-service
- Monday, February 15, 2021 – No School- Presidents Day
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