Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter
September 27, 2020
Please have your child log into my class Zoom by 8 am for attendance. Your child should be logged in to Zoom for lessons throughout the day. Your child should log in to Zoom at 2:30.
Remind App
If you have not signed up for Remind click the link- This is a quick way to get a message to you or for you to get a message to me. This is used for time-sensitive messages. Parents have sent me messages when their child needs help in a breakout room. They also have asked what assignments the children should be working on during asynchronous learning. We have used this to remind students to log back onto Zoom.
This past week the students reviewed reading skills. Mrs. Steinbeck read a few books while the students practiced reading skills. There were books that really lead to visualization and others that helped students make connections to the book. This week the students will read “Midas Touch.” We will also begin reading Chocolate Touch.
Students spent time this week revising and editing their woodland animal reports. I look forward to reading about animals. Next week we will begin Unit 1 from the Lucy Calkins writing program. In this unit, the students will be writing narrative stories. First, the students will discover how writers get ideas for stories.
This past week we finished Unit 1 in math. Unit 2 is about multiplication and division. The students will be using pictures and grouping objects into the same number groups to begin multiplication.
Science and Nature
The week focused on our woodland animal project. The students also did phenology on Friday to look for the changes in nature. Also, on Friday Naomi showed the students how logs decompose. With the help of Mrs. Steinbeck, they turned over logs and showed the students what was underneath. The students then got a chance to go outside to try turning over rocks or logs in their space.
Spelling/Word Work
The spelling focus last week was long “a” and short “a” spelling patterns. Next week we will work on sort 14. Students are expected to study the words this week for a test on Friday. Spelling will be stored in the reading folder and notebook. Your child will need an envelope or bag to put the cut out words.
If your child needs a Chromebook, please let the office know. The school can issue you a Chromebook for remote learning. Many of the 3rd-grade activities may be difficult to do on an IPAD. Some families who already had a tablet or IPAD use that for Zoom and the school
Chromebook for assignments. It is important that your child always use Google Chrome and log into their school account.
We will be taking NWEA Tuesday and Thursday from 9-11. I will not have math or writing lessons those days
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, September 29, 2020 PCCS Board Meeting
Wednesday, October 7, 2020 Materials Pick-Up
Thursday, October 8, 2020 Early Release
Friday, October 9, 2020 No School-Teacher In-service day
Monday, October 12, 2020 No School-Columbus Day
Important Links