Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter
September 7, 2020
Please have your child log into my class Zoom by 8 am for attendance. This is a change. Please have your child go straight to PE on Tuesdays. If your child goes to another teacher at 8:00, please go directly to that teacher.
Material Pickup
There will be another material pick up on Friday. If you have not returned the first nature bag, please arrange to drop it off at the school office. I will be sending a list of items that I want in the nature bag later this week.
Unique to PCCS
I am so very thankful for all the staff members that are available at PCCS to support our class. I have been assigned other PCCS staff to help in the classroom. There are other teachers and assistants that join our zoom class. I am excited that these staff members are available to help all students in the whole group, small groups, and individually. With the help of other staff members, I can assure all students get the support they need during zoom calls.
This past week the students went onto Raz Kid to read to self and listen to reading. We also began learning about the different connections to books. We will continue discussing how you can make a connection to self, connection to the text, or connection to the world. I also plan on introducing how readers ask questions and answer questions to understand the books. In the coming weeks, students will go to breakout sessions during reading for small reading groups.
The students have chosen a topic to write about. They began by making a web and then the first draft. Next week the students will revise, edit, and publish their writing piece. I will be collecting this on Friday’s material pick up.
The students are doing well on different subtraction strategies and doing math games virtually. We did have one day that was very challenging to do the games with a partner. I appreciate your child’s flexibility when it comes to these times that the activities don’t work. Next week, the students will be measuring different objects. They will need a ruler with inches and centimeters.
Students learned about the woodlands. The highlight for many students was when Mrs. Steinbeck was on location in the woods. On Friday, Naomi taught the students more about prairie plants. This coming week we will continue to learn more about the forest and trees.
If your child needs a Chromebook, please let the office know. The school can issue you a Chromebook for remote learning. Many of the 3rd-grade activities may be difficult to do on an IPAD. Some families who already had a tablet or IPAD use that for Zoom and the school
Chromebook for assignments.
Upcoming Dates
Friday, September 11 – Materials Pick-Up
Monday, September 14, 6:00 pm, Virtual Comstock Curriculum Night (k-4), More information coming
September 17th at 8:00 a.m Virtual Natural Leader Assembly
Thursday, September 17, 6:00 PM- Virtual Carson Curriculum Night (5-8)
Friday, September 25 – Materials Pick-Up
Important Links
A message from Naomi Hershiser our Dean of Environmental Learning
I have created a Prairie Crossing Charter School team for the Eco-Challenge, which runs Oct. 7-28. This is a global online event/challenge where you can choose things that you will do to help the environment and earn points for your team — and help the planet — by completing the actions.