Ms. Hahn’s Class Newsletter
April 7, 2019
This past week the students finished Unit 6 and began Unit 7 in math. The students learned about dividing a geoboard into fractions and learned more about equivalent fractions. Unit 7 is about larger multiplication and division problems and fractions. Please see the math newsletter for more information. I will limit the amount of math homework this coming week.
Since break we have been learning more about the history of Illinois and the beginning of the United States. We read about the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. We will continue studying Illinois history in social studies.
During reading the students read a short story and answered questions similar to the questions they will have on the IAR test. We practiced going back into the text to find and prove answers. Next week the students will read some Reader’s Theater scripts and answer questions about the play. During whole group lessons we have been focusing on the theme of a story. We will continue studying theme next week.
In writing the students are learning about fictional narrative stories. I read a variety of stories to the class and discussed the parts of the story. The students had time to come up with creative story ideas by looking at interesting pictures. It was great to see how excited the students were about writing this week. Next week the students will begin their own fictional narrative.
We are completing IAR testing next week (4/8-4/12). There will be limited homework and no spelling. It is really important your child has good rest each night, has a good breakfast and arrives to school on time. This will help them do their best. Each student should have a working set of headphones to use during the test. Please check with your child to make sure their school headphones are working. Also, as a special privilege, we are allowing 3rd and 4th graders to bring their own mints to enjoy during testing sessions. If your child would like to partake in this, please send a small amount with them each day next week. I have encouraged all the students to do his/her best on the test. I am sure they will all do well and show how much they have learned.
Upcoming Dates:
- 4/8-4/12 IAR testing
- 4/9/19 3rd/4th Grade Math Night
- 4/10/19 Early Release/Teacher Inservice
- 4/12/19 Bubble Wonders Performance
- 4/17/19 Farm to Table
- 4/23/19 Moraine Hills State Park Field Trip
- 4/22-4/25 EARTH WEEK!