Ms. Hahn’s Class Newsletter
October 28, 2018
In math, the students are have learned a lot about multiplication. They learned how to solve story problems using a variety of strategies. One way for students to practice math facts is by practice skip counting. The students took a test on multiplication last week. At the end of the week, the students learned about picture graphs and bar graphs. We will finish up graphing and move onto Unit 3 about addition and subtraction. Look for the math newsletter for more information about Unit 3.
In social studies, the students are learning more about Illinois including labeling an Illinois map. The students learned about the borders of Illinois, neighboring states, major rivers, and cities. Students will learn about natural resources in Illinois and then move onto our study of Early Peoples of Illinois.
In reading the students learned about the theme of a story. All reading groups have started our novel, Chocolate Touch. The students are learning vocabulary and answering comprehension questions about the book. During whole group lessons, the students are learning about Folktales. We will continue learning about folktales next week.
In writing the students the students finished their first true story. Now they are writing a second true story. We also had a guest author, Natalie Rompella, come to teach the students how to expand their writing. She will be coming 3 more times to help the students improve their writing. Ms. Rompella is going to help the students write a fairy tale that takes place in the woods, prairie, or wetland.
Now that the weather has changed, please send extra clothes to school that matches the season. Often kids need an extra change of clothes due to mud or food spills.
The PCCS Green Team is excited to announce a star-studded evening at the Prairie Skies Star Party on Friday, December 7. Join us at 5 pm for star-gazing, constellation stories by the fire, and cocoa to warm up. More details about this program, including registration information, are in this FLYER. In addition, the Green Team’s Critter Trail will be available as a free, self-guided family activity on Saturday, November 3, in conjunction with the Fall Artisan Fair (in the PCCS gym). After you shop (or before), get a map and instructions from the Green Team and spend some time outside learning about the critters of Illinois!
I welcome parent volunteers. Please remember to sign the Volunteer Form and sign in before coming to the classroom. Also, all parents should have been invited to view the homework calendar. You can view the calendar from your computer or phone with the Google calendar.
The Halloween celebration is on Wednesday, October 31st. The students will change into costumes at 1:30. Please keep in mind the following guidelines on costumes:
No excessive violence depicted by the costume
No face masks or hoods which render students unrecognizable
No “Creepy Clown” masks or “Creepy Clown” face paint
No Weapons of any kind, real or toy.
Upcoming Dates:
Tues., 10/30 Soup Day
Wed., 10/31: 1st-4th Costume Parade (1:45 PM), Party at 2:00
Fri., 11/2: Early Release
Sat., 11/3: Benkadi Benefit (6:30 PM to 8 PM in the gym)
Sun., 11/4: Daylight Savings Time
Tue., 11/6: Natural Leader Assembly (8:15 AM)
Wed., 11/7: Farm to Table lunch, Eat at 10:45
Fri., 11/9: End of 1st Trimester
Fri., 11/9: Drama Club Performance of Annie (9 AM to 10 AM during school and 7 PM to 8:30 PM at night