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Newsletter October 14, 2018

Ms. Hahn’s Class Newsletter

October 14, 2018

The students had a great time at Earthkeepers.  They learned about air, water, and soil specks. Children learned how living things on earth are connected to each other for their specks.  Students enjoyed spending time outside off campus and on campus. In order to earn the next Earthkeepers key, your child needs to complete tasks at home.  I will be checking their progress on Monday. This assignment takes time, so please remind your child to get started.

Before Earthkeepers the students began Unit 2 in math.  They are learning about multiplication. One way to practice multiplication at home is by skip counting by a variety of numbers.  The students are learning a variety of strategies to solve multiplication including skip counting, drawing pictures, and making tables.  We will continue working on Unit 2 next week. The students will be solving a variety of story problems that include multiplication and some early division problems.

In social studies, the students started reading from the textbook called Illinois Our Home.  Students learned about timelines, primary sources of history, and secondary sources of history.  They began filling out a world map with the continents. We will continue our study of Illinois history next week.   

In reading the students learned about character traits.  They took notes in their reading journals on how to identify a character’s traits.  Next week we will tie anti-bully week into our whole class reading lessons. The class will also be reading the Midas Touch and soon we will begin a novel study for Chocolate Touch.  

I will continue to give spelling sorts on Fridays when possible.  Last week the students just had high-frequency words. There will now be 5 to 10 additional words every week.  These will be high-frequency words your child should spell correctly in 3rd grade. Please remind your child to study these words at home.

In writing the students are working on writing true stories.  Last week the students worked on telling their story with a storytelling voice.  They spent time writing fast and furious on the first draft. Next week will be discussing how to make the stories even better through revision.

Now that the weather has changed, please send extra clothes to school that matches the season.  Often kids need an extra change of clothes due to mud or food spills.

Mrs. Steinbeck has put some amazing pictures on the class webpage.  Be sure to check it out and there might be a surprise for your child.

Monday is the last day to send in donations for the food pantry.  The school is holding a contest to see which class can have the most donations on Monday and who can have the most variety on Monday.  Please send your donations to the classroom.


Upcoming Events


  • 10/15-10/19 Anti-Bully Week
  • 10/17/18 Early Release & Charter Commission Public Renewal Hearing
  • 10/19/18 Pizza Friday
  • 10/24/18 Farm to Table–don’t forget your bowl
  • 10/31/18 Halloween parade @ 1:45pm, parties @ 2:15pm
  • 11/2/18 Early Release