Ms. Hahn’s Class Newsletter
September 9, 2018
This past week the students measured in centimeters with rulers and meter sticks. The solved story problems that involved measurement. Next week the students will work on story problems. They will also strengthen their addition and subtractions skills during work places. Please click HERE to read more about Bridges math. There are also a wide variety of computer games listed. If your child does not have addition and subtraction facts memorized please continue to work on that at home.
The students spent time learning about the forest. They learned how scientist identify trees using the leaves. Students also learned about the layers of the forest. On Friday we enjoyed the cool weather at quiet spots near Lake Leopold. We will try to have quiet spots about twice a month.
There was not a lot of time this past week for reading with the assembly, learning spelling procedures, and no school on Monday. They did have time to review read to self and had spent time reading. Mrs. Steinbeck and I should finish up our reading testing early next week. This coming week we will also learn more about non-fiction books and how to identify the different genres.
Students got a new list of spelling words on Friday. If your child is absent during the week, he/she will have extra time to complete the spelling assignments and take the test. Every Friday the students are given a test on 10 of their words. The last three words on the test are words that have the same spelling pattern, but are not part of the sort. The students are expected to write one sentence for every word before Thursday. We give in-class time, but they should also do some at home. Look inside the cover of the spelling journal for an explanation of the spelling sorts.
As the weather changes quickly in September, please help your child choose weather appropriate clothing for the morning and afternoon. We may go outside in the morning during the cool portion of the day or in the afternoon once it warms up. Students may want to keep a sweatshirt or light jacket at school.
Please remember to check out our webpage for blogs and pictures. Mrs. Steinbeck takes a lot of time taking pictures of the students and posting them. I love looking at them because I get to see pictures of times the students are not with me.
Environmental Reading
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, September 11- Comstock Curriculum night
Wednesday, September 12- Farm to Table Lunch
Wednesday, September 19- Early Release
Attendance/Spirit Week
Monday, September 10- Crazy Hat Day
Tuesday, September 11- Spirit Wear Day (Green and White)
Wednesday, September 12- PJ or sports wear Day
Thursday, September 13- Crazy Hair Day
Friday, September 14- Wear Blue