This week we spent a lot of time outside. We took the kids to quiet spots at least twice, they journaled details of plants and animals after an author visit, and they practiced drawing with cross hatching based on a lesson with Naomi.
The garden is looking great. All of the lettuce is coming up very nicely. We should be past the chances of frost so we removed the cold-frames and put them away until next year. It’s so great to see how excited the kids are about the gardens. I truly hope you have some gardens at home that they have the opportunity to tend.
The fifth graders held their annual Taste of the World this week. They do a wonderful job researching a foreign country and then creating and sharing food/drinks from that area. This year was especially exciting because our class will be the hosts next year when they are in fifth grade!
Finally, social studies has been a lot of fun. The kids are pretending to be part of the Lewis and Clark western expedition. One of the things they need to do is create different things, such as outlines of the boats they used, maps, nature journals, and flags of the times. They are having a fun on this project and they are doing a pretty good job on everything.
That’s it for this week. We are down to two weeks left until summer vacation! Have a great week.
~ Mrs. Steinbeck