I made some quick notes to remind myself what we did this past week and I filled up an entire notecard. So let’s get right to it.
The highlight of the week was the Holiday Bazaar. The kids got to decorate some newspaper to be used as wrapping paper and then we headed over and shopped! I did take pictures of some of the things they bought, but I don’t want any surprises ruined, so I’ll just hold on to those.
In writing they finished their autobiographies. The final step for those was to do a peer edit. As part of Technology Monday, we showed them how to share a document and then how to suggest changes to the document. Everyone had a partner and you would be able to decide if you wanted to keep the suggestion or leave it the way you wrote it. This worked for most partnerships, although we had a few that got the privilege taken away. The final writing assignment for 2017 is a fictional story. They will be working on that for the next two weeks.
For reading, we are still working through small group novels. Everyone is on track to finish just prior to winter break.
Spanish has been fun as they have been doing station work. So they get to move about and learn in different ways.
In PE they have been continuing the basketball unit.
Ms. Hahn and I have noticed that the fourth graders are having more trouble staying in their seats. So we’ve introduced some movement breaks. Some are just for small groups that need them, but we’ve also done whole class breaks. It’s a lot of fun for the students and the teachers!
Math has seen the return of multi-digit addition and subtraction. We are teaching multiple methods to get the correct answer. They have been doing very well with it.
At recess they have discovered something new. Now they give concerts to one another. They are so funny!
I’m near the end, I promise. I told you the notecard was full!
This week in music they have continued to practice for the Holiday Sing – I love the song that Ms. Klug has selected for them. They are ready for the concert! Then they worked on Do-Re-Me scales. It was so hard not to break out into the Do-Re-Me song, but I kept it under control.
The Green Assembly for this month revolves around composting. Something that we do very well at school, but many of us (myself included) should be doing a better job of at home.
Science was really fun this week. We have been studying sound. So there were a bunch of different experiments involving sound. Then Naomi joined us for a lesson from our light unit on bioluminescence! We got to see little critters who light up (while sharing the dark space of a bathroom) and then got to draw our own with glow in the dark paint! It was really cool.
OK, that was a lot, but things are always busy in Ms. Hahn’s class, even if your kid comes home and says they didn’t do anything at school!
Have a great weekend!
~Mrs. Steinbeck