Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter
October 15, 2017
The students have enjoyed reading many Greek myths the past few weeks. The students learned more about character traits using the Greek myths. This past week we studied allusions. Next week we will continue to learn about allusions related to Greek myths. The students will also start reading Underworlds The Battle Begins. There will be given class time to do the assignments with this book, but some students may need to finish at home. Please check the homework calendar for the assignments.
We have spent the past two weeks learning how to choose a topic for an opinion paper, writing a thesis, and coming up with reasons for their opinion. The next few weeks the students will be drafting and publishing an opinion writing piece. Ask your child to tell you his/her thesis statement and the reasons. There are a few students writing about their families.
In math the students are using a variety of strategies to solve multi-digit multiplication problems. Students are using the traditional method, drawing arrays, using partial products, and rounding. They are enjoying the different work places (games) and I would encourage your child to do IXL at home also. Next week the students will learn more about division and remainders. We should finish Unit 2 this coming week. Unit 3 is about fractions and decimals.
Social Studies
We have spent two weeks learning about early explorers. They learned the reasons for exploration and exploration vocabulary. Students created a timeline of some early explorers with the reasons for exploration. Next week we will spend time learning about a few of the explorers in more detail. Then the students will begin a research project about a specific explorer. The majority of this project is to be done in school.
School Starting Time
School officially starts at 8:00. In the Comstock building students are tardy if they arrive after 8:05. If your child is constantly late to school, he/she is missing out on instructions and lessons. In my class I am often giving instructions at 8:05 and two days a week we have specials at 8:10. Carpool starts at 7:40 am and the students are walking in the building at 7:55. Please consider leaving home earlier to be at school earlier.
Many children are telling us they are hungry after they finish all their food. Please consider talking to your child to see if there is enough food packed. Fourth grade is a good time to have children begin packing their own snacks and lunches. I suggest going over with your child what should be in a lunch (and maybe what not to pack). Please remember to try packing a trash free lunch and snack.
Green Challenge Trash Free Lunch
PCCS started October’s Green Challenge – Trash Free Lunch! We know that many of you already pack trash-free lunches, and that’s wonderful… this month, we’ll learn more about the how’s and why’s, and we’ll see if we can improve our already-good lunch-time waste creation!
Here are some fun facts to get you thinking about how and why Trash Free Lunches are important:
- The average US household spends $85 per year on disposable bags. This means that even if some reusable containers are lost-and-not-found, you can still save money over using throw-away baggies.
- School lunch garbage averages to over 67 lbs. per student per school year (US average)
- About 3 million juice boxes are sold each year in the US. They cannot be recycled because the plastic, aluminum and paper can’t be separated. The juice also costs about 2-3 ¢per ounce more than comparable juice sold in larger bottles.
For some tips on how to go trash free with your lunches, visit or
Go Trash Free!
Upcoming Events
October 18 Early Release
October 19 Chipotle Fundraiser in Gurnee 6:00-8:30
October 22 Fall Festival @ PCCS from 12:00 to 3:00
October 31 Halloween Party