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Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

Hello, hello, and welcome back to a new school year!

For our new families, I am so excited to have your students in our classroom. They’ve been a great addition to the class. For our established families, it’s amazing to see how much your kids have grown in a couple of months.

As the Instructional Assistant in the classroom I often have time to take pictures of the kids while Ms. Hahn is teaching. I also enjoy taking pictures during our specials (art, PE, Spanish, and music), as well as recess. Each week I will share all of my pictures under the Gallery tab on Ms. Hahn’s page. That will just be a dump of all the images, feel free to download any of them for yourself. This page that you are on is where I will give you a bit more detail of what we were doing throughout the week.

This weeks post will be a little shorter as I’m busy getting my son ready to head to college early next week.

So here we go:

First Days of School –

Welcome Back Assembly, exploring our gardens that we planted in the spring

Recess Fun


Save Fred, What’s in the Box, Scientific Method


Practicing Band Instruments


The Solar Eclipse


Quiet Spots and Phenology

New Math Program and Smart Board

Our New Water Feature on Campus

So that’s a quick look at what we we’ve been up to since we’ve been back in the class. Thank you so much to all of the parents who have sent in school supplies, extra food, and a microwave. We truly appreciate all of the support you provide the classroom. Have a great week!

~ Mrs. Steinbeck