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Winter Party

First I want to offer my thanks to Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Halverson for organizing a wonderful Winter Party for Ms. Hahn’s class. It is truly something to watch the classroom transform in such an organized and speedy manner. Thank you to all of the parents who sent in food and supplies. A huge thank you to all of the parents who came by to help out too! A special shoutout to Mr. Patrick for his wonderful songs (I can see where Batman (Jackson) gets his sense of humor)!

The kids all had a wonderful time. The bird feeders and the ornaments were a huge hit and will all get put to good use over break.

The food selection was so neat. We had food from India, Germany, China, and many others. The hot chocolate bar was a huge hit, also!

And finally, thank you for cleaning up. It was very nice to come into the classroom from carpool and not have a big mess to clean up. So thanks again, to everyone who helped out at the party. It was very much appreciated!

I wish you all a very safe and healthy break. Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy New Year! I look forward to seeing you and your children in 2017!

~ Mrs. Steinbeck

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