I have known that our 3rd grade class was a great class since we started the school year, but this week they made me so proud so many times. Let me share what went on this week and you can see for yourselves.
First off, they did a great job in PE learning a new skill. Mr. Flinn is introducing Ultimate Frisbee and everyone did a great job. They started inside one day with learning how to throw and catch a frisbee properly. By the second day they were ready to head outside and put the game together. It’s been so nice to have outside PE in November!
On Wednesday morning different kids came in with differing opinions of the election results. Ms. Hahn and I quickly asked the class to refrain from any political discussions and to simply respect one another. My motto all year has been to “Be Kind” so I reminded them of this and everything seemed to settle down. The way they handled it was one of the proud moments.
Another proud moment came later that day when we took the kids to the Diwali celebration. The kids in our class who celebrate Diwali were so proud to put on their fancy clothes and share their holiday with us. The other kids were equally excited to share in their happiness. It was absolutely wonderful to see all of the bright colors, beautiful clothes, great food, and fun dancing. Mr. Freeman and the Multicultural Parent Advisory Council did a fantastic job on organizing the event.
Friday proved to be another pride filled day as we celebrated Veteran’s Day as a school community. We started the day with a school assembly in which we honored the veterans in the room and those in our lives. The third and fourth graders sang “America the Beautiful” and it was amazing. I’ve heard our class practicing it for the last few weeks, and they’ve done great, but adding the voices of three other classes was wonderful.
Later on Friday our class went to Mrs. McGovern’s 4th grade class to listen to them share stories that they have written. Our class was so polite in listening to these very well thought out pieces. You could tell that they spent a lot of time on their writing. Hopefully it inspired some of our kids to do the same with their own writing. Again I was very proud of all the students in our class in the enthusiasm they showed their peers.
And the final proud moment came when the class went out to a flag retirement ceremony. This is when a United States flag that is no longer able to be flown due to its condition is burned. The kids listened and watched as the flag was burned. The ceremony was presented by Mrs. Krissek and her husband, Tom who are both scout leaders. “Taps” was also played by students during this somber ceremony.
So I guess pride was the word of the week and if you ask me that makes for a pretty awesome week!
~ Mrs. Steinbeck