Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter
October 16, 2016
This past week the students learned about point of view of a character. We referred back to the book Sit-In by Andrea Davis Pinkney. There were characters in this book that a different point of view than most of the class. Next week I will be reading book by Verna Aardema. The students will be learning how to recount folktales from diverse cultures. They will also be able to describe the characters in the story and how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.
Most reading groups will be reading chapters 5-7 next week in Chocolate Touch. The students will write a letter pretending to be John. They will write a letter to Miss Plimsole and explain what happened in math class.
The students learned about perimeter the past two weeks. In third grade the students need to find the perimeter of a polygon with one measurement missing. We tackled some very challenging problems together. Next week the students will also be measuring rectangular objects to the nearest ½ inch and finding the perimeter. We will also be having math outside on Tuesday. The students will be measuring the lengths of leaves. We will use this data to create line plots and bar graphs
Please remember to have your child play math games at home at least two times a week. Please indicate your child played the math games above the spelling list under reminders. I would encourage your child to practice skip counting at home by all numbers 2-12. This will help him/her memorize their multiplication facts.
Science and Social Studies
We continued reading from our textbook, Illinois Our Home. We learned what makes a primary or secondary source of information. The students learned the location and name of the 7 continents and 5 oceans. The students discussed their location on the planet, continent, country, region, state, county, and city. We will then be talking about the different features of a map. The map features will include scale, map key, legend, latitude, longitude, cardinal directions, and intermediate directions. Next week we will continue our map skills. The students will review map features. Then the students will learn how the earth appears ona satellite image, a globe, and a map. Students will also use cardinal and intermediate directions to describe the location of places.
High Frequency Spelling Words
- Once
- Animal
- Life
- Enough
- Took
This week the students will learned that writers sometimes pause to consider what’s going well in their writing and what they might try next to take their writing to the next level. We looked at a 3rd grade writing checklist. Writing partners worked together to come up with writing goals. Next week they will also learn that writers don’t wait to edit, they take a minute as they write to make sure their writing is a clear as possible for their readers. We will also rehearse for writing by story-telling and generating alternate leads. The class will work on writing a draft of writing that creates a mental movie on the page.
Please help your child complete the Y key tasks on time. Remind your child to work on the assignment to get it done by time. If your child forget to bring their Earthkeepers on Friday, please send it on Monday.
Upcoming Dates
Monday, October 17- 2:00 Staff/Student soccer game
Wednesday, October 19- Early Release
Monday, October 31- 1:45 Halloween Party
Wish List
- Quart and snack size plastic bags
- Cheese sticks for kids that need a snack
- Single servings of fruit for kids that need a snack