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Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

Hi Everyone!

We had a lot of fun in Ms. Hahn’s 3rd grade class this week. On Monday, the kids went outside for Spanish class to use their senses.

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In PE the kids continue to have fun doing both games and exercises.

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We continued to learn about different ecosystems in the area. This week we looked at wetlands. Part of the lesson included a hike over to a wetland near the soccer field. As I had a pair of rain boots, I was selected to go deep within the wetland to scoop up some soil and water. There was actually very little standing water when we went over there, so I mostly scooped soil. We then brought the samples inside and the kids got to dig through it for a little while. They found all kinds of interesting things.

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We also got out to our quiet spots this week as well. Some of our third graders (and Ms. Hahn) saw a weasel slink across the trail! Everyone is noticing how the plants are changing as we get deeper into fall. Ms. Hahn always asks the kids if they want to share what they wrote and drew with their classmates while we are outside and it continues to amaze me how many want to share. It’s great to know that they already feel comfortable speaking in front of their peers.

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The third graders have been getting onto the computers more and more. They each are doing a slide show about the woodland animals they are researching. Most are really catching on to using the computers, but it would really help if you make sure they are getting some practice at home. They can log onto their Google accounts, Raz Kids, and from home at any time. The also have math games that they can play online. Quite a few of our kids have not mastered the basic math facts and these games can really help. It will make it so much easier for them as we move forward if they know these basic facts. Ask them to show you their slide shows this weekend!

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As we are getting deeper into fall we have shifted gears with our garden. The 3/4 grade band has harvested all of our squash and cleaned out the squash beds. They worked with Naomi to harvest the corn. The corn will be sold as fall decoration and the squash will be used in January’s Farm to Table lunch. We will be planting spinach and lettuce in the beds and put the cold frames on to squeeze in one more quick crop.

I think that is about it for the week. Next week will be a little different as Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday we will be doing Earthkeeper’s activities. We will be off campus for two of the days and continue working on campus for the third. Keep in mind on the days we are away from PCCS that we will be outside. So please check the weather reports and don’t send any food that needs to be microwaved as they won’t be available.

Finally, I couldn’t resist taking this photo of some of the class as they hung out at carpool. What a great bunch of kids!


~ Mrs. Steinbeck