Newsletter April 24, 2016
Earth Week Overview
This week the students worked on defeating different villains. The students had to do different activities to defeat the villain. The villains are Pollu Tor, Baron Von Buckthorn, N Bandit, Power Phantom, and The Drip. Students wrote ways they can defeat the villains at home in their assignment notebooks. Below are some highlights from the week.
- Lesson about water pollution inside
- Lesson about littering outside
- Gardening
- Book buddies from Waukegan at PCCS
- Scavenger hunt with making fairy homes, recycle relay, and a water activity
- Read books in the Environmental library
- Plant sunflower seeds for our buddies
- Learn about invasive species
- Journal about Garlic mustard
- Pull Garlic mustard
Thursday– Field trip Hastings Lake
- Small Seek Lesson- look under logs
- Water, Water, Everywhere with Mrs. McGovern
- Hunt for animal homes with Mrs. Larson
- Zoom, Zoom, Zoom with Ms. Kroll
- Hike
- Closing ceremony
- Alternative energy hike around campus
- Quiet spots in Oak Openings
The students had a few lessons this week about decimals. The students learned how to add decimals using different strategies. You can help at home by asking your child to add money. Next week we will finish our unit on decimals. It is important that all students have the multiplication facts memorized. Please help your child with facts at home if he/she needs more practice.
Summer Learning
One program some parents have done in the past is GRASP. There are online lessons for 4th grade in reading and math. You can find information about the cost and enrollment at .
School Website
Please remember to check the school webpage for pictures and documents. The homework is also on the calendar.
Parent Portal Username: PCCSparent
Parent Portal Password: pccsgreen201516
Upcoming Dates
April 25- PARCC Testing
April 27- Farm to Table Lunch, Family Math Night 6 pm
April 28- PARCC Testing
April 29- PARCC Testing
May 3- Green Challenge Assembly
May 4- Erin’s Law Lesson with Mrs. Meyer