Well, I didn’t take as many pictures this week, so I only have a few to share. However, that doesn’t mean that we weren’t busy, because we were. This week we worked on a map of the United States and the kids had to label all the states, capitals, major bodies of water, mountains, etc in social studies. The kids also took a science test on the motion and matter unit. Most everyone finished their mystery stories and they were pretty good. In math we have continued our decimals unit with a focus on comparing them to determine which is larger or smaller.
We did get a chance to get outside to do quiet spots this week. We went to the horseshoe area of Prairie Crossing and sat along the water. There was so much going on, including a large amount of tree swallows dive bombing the water in search of insects for lunch. A couple of them got a little too close to the water and kind of crashed, which, of course made the kids who saw it crack up.
Next week will be a super fun one as it is Earth Week. We will be spending a good portion of each day outside so please send your child with the proper clothes, shoes, hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen. Our second grade buddies from a school in Waukegan will be visiting us on Tuesday for some fun, including a scavenger hunt! Thursday takes us to Hastings Lake Forest Preserve for a day of hiking, learning, and a picnic. Look for a ton of pictures from Earth Week next week!
Have a great week!
~ Mrs. Steinbeck