We had another great week in Ms. Hahn’s class. It was kind of a strange week with a mix of really cold days and really nice days. On Monday and Tuesday we heard the words that made the kids and I scream, although for different reasons, “indoor recess”. So Monday we stayed in the classroom and played board games, Pictionary on white boards, drew pictures, and watched and danced to GoNoodle videos. Tuesday I had asked Mr. Cora if we could use the gym for recess so we bundled up and trekked over for a little while. We used the scooters, balls, jump ropes, and the climbing wall. Then on Wednesday they said we could go outside, but only for 10 minutes. So the hardier souls and I bundled up and played outside for 10 minutes. The kids that preferred to stay inside visited with Ms. Kroll’s class for 10 minutes.
On Wednesday Ms. Naomi came in and had a discussion with the class regarding insulation. She talked about how the colonial people we have been studying would have kept their food fresh as long as possible. They then got to do a fun experiment. The kids were put into partners and each group got a ziploc bag. They then had to fill the bag with any combination of scratch paper, garden clippings, and sawdust they wanted that would cover up a 2 1/2″ by 1″ ice cube. The goal was to keep your ice frozen the longest. So on Thursday they put the ice into the bag and measured the ice every hour. Some groups got their ice to stay frozen all days, other groups not so much. But they all had a great time. Ask them to tell you how I got mine to last overnight!
Ishan learned the the hard way to not play with the bag full of sawdust too much, as his bag kind of exploded all over him. Luckily I had my phone at the ready to get a couple of pictures!
We also spent a lot of time talking about the colonists life in Roanoke, Jamestown, and Plymouth, paying particular attention to the similarities and differences. In order to help them understand better we did two foldable projects. In one we made a model of the Jamestown colony and in the other they cut, folded, and decorated a colonial style home. It seems to me that everyone is fascinated by this unit.
So that is week 20 in a nutshell. Everyone seems to be back in the swing of things from winter break. Don’t forget, if you ever want to come in to help or to just see what is going on in the class, stop on by! Have a great week!
~ Mrs. Steinbeck