Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter
December 6, 2015
This past week the students continued to learn about polygons. The students learned to identify different quadrilaterals. The students are learning the following geometry terms: point, line, ray, line segment, angle, obtuse angle, acute angle, right angle, quadrilateral, parallel, and perpendicular. Next week we will learn more about triangles and polygons. You can help your child by reviewing the geometry vocabulary.
Students worked on answering questions about short reading passages during reading groups before and after Thanksgiving break. They had to answer questions that are similar to questions they will see on the PARCC test. On Thursday the students began reading their novels. Students are responsible for reading the assigned chapters and completing the thinkmark on time. The first two thinkmarks the students completed helped them ask questions while reading. We used the thinkmarks for our reading group discussions.
During whole group reading lessons the students learned more about plot. I read The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. We are working on a story plot map for this book together. Once students are more familiar of how a book organizes a plot, they will be able to write even better stories.
This week the students finalized the how to paper. We combined reading and writing by talking about the plot. The students will be writing a story with a good plot next week.
Students were excited to start our sound unit this week. They got to experiment with different object to try to make sound. Students had to shake closed boxes and listen to the sound it made to guess what was inside. We also experimented with sound vibrations using comb with wax paper, thin plastic, and our vocal chords. We will continue our sound unit this coming week.
On Wednesday the students went outside for phenology in the snow. Please remember your child needs to be prepared to go outside everyday. Once outside the students noticed the beauty of the snow on different trees. A few students had to move due to falling snow from the trees.
Please remind your child to bring all the proper cold weather gear. We go outside unless it is not safe to go outside. PCCS students stay inside for temperatures below 0 degrees or lightening.
During days with snow many students need another pair of socks and pants at school. Please send extra clothes that can be kept in his/her locker.
I would like to thank all the parents for coming to conferences. The spring conferences will be student led conferences.
Upcoming Dates
December 16- Early Release
December 17- 9 am, Holiday Sing
December 18- 2:15 Classroom Holiday Party
December 21 to January 1 – Winter Break