Another week has come and gone in Ms. Hahn’s 4th grade class. In math this week we continued learning about measurements and measuring. Students continued to move around measuring everything in sight. They also had to calculate area and perimeter, some of these got to be pretty large numbers. Later in the week they worked with polygons and learned to combine polygons to create even larger and different shaped polygons. We spent one math class in the computer lab using a program called LogoPaths in which you have to create a polygon by directing a little turtle on screen to move in the proper directions. This proved to be pretty challenging and we will be heading there again next week for more practice.
Science has been fun as we they are learning about light. They worked with lens and mirrors to see how things change whether they are seen through a convex or concave lens. Ms. Hahn also showed them how the speed of light changes in water. They visually saw refraction in action by looking at the straw in my water bottle. I really love all the hands on learning that we do at Prairie Crossing.
As usual we also had a lot of fun at recess. The kids are so funny to be around. Somehow they talked me into becoming the engine on a train and we moved through the playground. I’m not sure who has more fun, me or the kids!
And it wouldn’t be Prairie Crossing without a class outdoors. So we went out to phenology this week and they wrote and drew pictures about the 4 plants they have been monitoring all year. It was a little chilly this week and they were told they only had to spend 15 minutes outside, but I was amazed at how many wanted to keep working after their time was up. I think they realize how awesome of an opportunity they have at this school.
Speaking of being chilly, as I write this all I see is snow everywhere out my windows. While we won’t be going outside for recess this upcoming week (two early release days), now would be a good time to get out the snow pants, hats, gloves, coats, and boots. As much as we love the outdoors here, if your child does not have boots or snow pants, they don’t get to play in the snow. So please make sure they are bringing them everyday. You could even have an extra set that just stays at school.
Have a great weekend and a Happy Thanksgiving! I know I’m thankful for having a great group of kids and parents in my life!
– Mrs. Steinbeck