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Welcome Back!

Welcome back! The summer has flown by, but I am so excited to greet both returning and new students and their families. I truly appreciate the support that you give to your children and to Prairie Crossing Charter School. This year promises to be a great one!

I am pleased to introduce to you Ms. Allison Bonicontro, who will be the Instructional Assistant in our classroom this year. Ms. Bonicontro is new to PCCS, and I am very confident that she will be a huge benefit to our classroom. You can contact her at

As you likely already know, we are very excited to have Ms. Roxanne Turner as our new fifth grade looping teacher. She will be your child’s social studies teacher this year; I will continue to teach science and one section of fifth grade math. Your child will have either Ms. Siwy or Mr. Hershiser for sixth grade math. While you may contact me at any time, the most efficient way to receive responses regarding questions about another teacher’s subject is to contact that teacher directly, including me in the CC line (if you choose to send an email).

Our new PCCS website was rolled out last year, and we will continue to use it for homework postings and classroom updates. From this page, you can click on the “Homework” link above. This will take you to our homework calendar, which I will be updating daily. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at To facilitate parent-teacher contact, I also ask that you complete the “Getting to Know You” Parent Survey that your child brought home today.

Your child also brought home a Chromebook agreement today. Please sign and return this document as soon as possible, as we must have the agreement on file before we can distribute Chromebooks. Look for more information in the coming weeks on how we are using Chromebooks as an important learning tool!

Finally, please be aware that students should expect to follow all PCCS policies and procedures outlined in the 2015-2016 Parent-Student Handbook. Please reference the handbook for information about our dress code, grading policy, and Chromebooks. Additionally, I ask that if students wish to bring a snack, the snack is healthy and, for the safety of students and staff with allergies, does not contain nuts.

Again, thank you for your continuing support. Here’s to a great year!