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Week of Feb. 5-9

We’ve had quite a snowy week, but it has been beautiful to look at! Just a friendly reminder to make sure that your child has ALL of their snow gear for every day here at PCCS (snowpants, hats, gloves, etc.). Thank you!

This week, the 3rd and 4th graders started learning about how to research and organize information for informational papers. They were excited to do research on a topic that was preferred, and many students choose to research specific animals. Our focus, this week, was to get as much information as we could on our topic, and find ways to organize it into 3 different subject areas. Using graphic organizers was an extremely helpful tool for everyone. In Social Studies, we looked at a timeline of the start of the colonies, and what events led up to the 1730’s. The 3rd and 4th graders also began filling out graphic organizers, or “circle books”, to help them gather information. It is interesting to see how different each of the groups of colonies were from each other! In math, the 4th graders got a lot more comfortable with protractors, and ended the week by being able to create any angle with just a pencil and a protractor! We also discussed the difference between parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular lines.

Next week, we will focus on line symmetry and what it means. The 4th graders will also practice finding lines of symmetry in a variety of shapes. In writing, we will take our notes and outline on various topics, and put it into a paper. The 3rd and 4th graders will also learn about how to edit this type of paper, and use rubrics to self-assess the work that they are creating. We will also meet with our writing buddies to get some further input and help. In Social Studies, we will use our research skills to look more at the 13 colonies. Each student will have their own colony to read about, and can dive deeper into the features and functions of them. It will be a busy week, but it should be extremely interesting.


Feb. 9 (Friday) – Fun Fair Fundraiser – 4-10 pm

Feb. 12 (Monday) – Lunar New Year Assembly – 8:15 am

Feb. 14 (Wednesday) – PBIS celebration (various times for different gradebands)

Feb. 14 (Wednesday) – Valentine’s Day classroom parties – 2:15 to 3:15

Feb. 15 (Thursday) – Colonial Day!!!!

Feb. 15 (Thursday) – ER

Feb. 16 – NO SCHOOL – teacher in-service