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Week of April 2-6

Happy weekend! I hope that spring shows up soon… This week we managed to get outside quite a bit despite the cold. Our Green Challenge for April is “No Child Left Inside”. On Thursday, we were able to get outside to practice yoga and play blob tag. The yoga helped us to relieve stress, and blob tag helped us to be active for a great night’s sleep. We were able to spend time at the beach on another day, and created some artwork with natural materials that we found around us. The 3rd and 4th graders loved the chance for creativity! In writing, we began looking back at how to write personal narratives. The students explored books that were great examples of personal narratives in groups. They were able to discuss the qualities that were found in each story, and are working on ways to apply these qualities to their own work. In science, we have been talking about forces, such as push and pull, and gravity. We compared the thought of gravity to several real life situations and ideas. Also, we FINISHED PARCC TESTING! Yay! The 3rd and 4th graders worked so hard, and should be very proud of themselves. In math, we continue to look at area and perimeter in ways that we normally wouldn’t. The students tried to find missing dimensions when they had the total square footage of a space. We also began talking about plotting data on a line plot.

Next week, we will introduce a new Work Place that compares fractions and shapes. We will begin looking at the relationship between fractions and decimals as well! In writing, we will slowly begin to write our personal narratives and study the details that need to be included in our papers. In science, we will be looking at patterns of motion. The 3rd and 4th graders will learn about wheel-and-axle systems and try to predict future motions of objects.


Monday, April 9th-Friday, April 13th–Volunteer Appreciation Week
Monday, April 9th–Volunteer Appreciation Coffee 8:00-10:30am in Kennicott Building
Tuesday, April 10th–Kindergarten Math Night
Wednesday, April 11th–Early Release: Dismissal at 1pm
Wednesday, April 11th–1st/2nd Grade Math Night
Thursday, April 12th–3rd/4th Grade Math Night
Friday, April 13thBingo Night (doors open at 6:30; Bingo begins at 7pm)
Saturday, April 14th–Track Meet
Save the Date
Monday, April 16th-Friday, April 20th–Earth Week
Monday, April 16th–CP Presentations in Byron Colby Barn