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Week 7

I hope you are enjoying our summer-like weather during September! It sure is hot! Speaking of that, please make sure that your child has a water bottle each day. They have had PE outside, and have recess outside every day. In writing, we turned in our personal narratives after working hard on them. I am excited to read them and get to know my students even better! We also did a descriptive writing activity outside. The students found a plant, rock, or tree that they described on a piece of paper. They needed to get as descriptive as possible, and then exchange their papers with a partner. Their partner had to guess what their peer was writing about based on the description that was written. It was a great way to get outside and write! In math, the 4th graders are working on base tens and their knowledge of place value. We even build our very own Great Wall of Base Ten in the classroom! In science, we continued our unit on magnets and learned about an invisible force around magnets called a magnetic field.

Next week, we will be working some more on personal narratives and writing descriptively. The 4th grade math class will be working on building arrays and multiplying by tens, hundreds, and thousands. Next week will also be the end of our unit on magnets – it goes by fast! We will end the unit with a post-assessment. Please do not forget that we have our field trip to see “The True Story of the Three Little Pigs” on Friday the 29th!


Saturday, September 23rdRummage Sale 9am-2pm
 —Matt’s Mile 5pm
Friday, September 29th — 3rd and 4th grade field trip
Saturday, September 30thPCCS Work Day 8am to noon
         —Green Team Adopt-a-Highway Clean Up 9-11:30
Save the Date: 
Now-October 15th–Hispanic Heritage Month Activities
October 4th–PCCS Town Hall at 7pm
October 10th–Picture Retakes
October 13Pizza Friday (Gluten-Free) Order Forms Due