Happy weekend! It is hard to believe that our first trimester is over, and it is almost time for parent/teacher conferences! Be sure to check your e-mail for a very important message regarding parent/teacher conferences.
This week, the students finished up their Y-key packets and turned them in. They certainly worked hard on these packets for the last month, and everyone seemed relieved to turn in their work. It will take a bit of time for all parts of the packets and booklets to get checked, but your child will receive feedback. In Social Studies, the third and fourth graders learned about measuring distance on a map, cardinal directions, and intermediate directions. They also had the chance to label and color a large map of Illinois with a partner. Some students went above and beyond by labeling railroads, main highways, small towns, etc. The posters will be up for you all to see during parent/teacher conferences! 4th grade math students were introduced to partial products multiplication with large numbers. They practiced this concept with games and activities of varying difficulty levels, and even had some fun doing it! The Diwali celebration was a huge hit – the kids had a great time learning about a new culture. The week ended with a wonderful Veteran’s Day assembly that the children sang in.
Next week, we will continue learning about Illinois and the features it has (both natural and man-made). There will also be a scavenger hunt at the end of the week that will give the chance for students to spot natural and “human” features. We will work more on our writing skills and story-telling techniques in writing, and continue our reading groups.
Important dates:
- November 21 and 22 – parent/teacher conferences (please sign-up via the e-mail that was sent out today)
- The 21st and 22nd will also be ER days
- Book Fair
- November 16 – Farm to Table
- November 23-25 – No School. Happy Thanksgiving!