Hi Families!
Quick notes to know:
- Ongoing= Please have students bring in music notebooks
- Ongoing = ABC Countdown Begins
- Thursday, May 27 – May Natural Leader’s Assembly
- Monday, May 31 – Memorial Day-No School
- Tuesday June 1-Friday June 4- students will take home materials
- Wednesday, June 2- 8th Grade Graduation
- June 3rd from 8-6pm= nature bag return for the end of the year
- Friday, June 4 – Last Day of School – Early Release
Homework Calendar LINK
Powerschool link
- Thank you for the gift of recess toys! Our class will really enjoy it!
- The last week of school please expect a different schedule than normal as we pack up for the year and hopefully participate in some fun activities! Please note zoom students may be asked to join other teacher’s zooms at specific times to partake in online activities and games. We will let students know, as well as, post it in the stream when this happens. Also, students combined their Hawk’s tickets to purchase a whole class movie, so I will be scheduling that soon as well!
- This will be the last newsletter of the year. We will spend our last week tidying up our belongings and the classroom, as well as, having some fun! It has been a pleasure to be your student’s teacher this year. Our class has made memories that I hope will last a lifetime as we navigated this historic pandemic. I wish you all a relaxing, rejuvenating and fun filled summer!
In Writing and Reading,
We are finishing the year with a unit on opinion writing. As a class, we have reviewed opinion essay writing and the components that make up an opinion essay. Then, we read an article on cursive writing. As a class, we voted on our opinion and wrote an essay together. Next, students will independently read an article about heroes and the characteristics they have. They will form their own opinion and write an essay reflecting their opinion. This is our final formal piece of writing for the year. It is due on Wednesday 5/26 (but no later than 5/28). Students who become behind on this essay will be asked to work on it during study hall, and possibly at home. Following this, we will have some short fun writes, as well as be writing in an end of the year memory book.
We finished researching and writing our Native Land Acknowledgement announcement. This will be featured in the school’s morning announcements on 5/28.
In reading, we started our novel study on the chapter book Bunnicula by James Howe. We will be working on Bunnicula until the end of the year. This is a fun filled mystery that features animal detectives. Students will listen to the read aloud and answer questions regarding their comprehension of the story. We will complete some questions as a class, and some will be completed independently. If your child enjoys this book, it is part of a series you can find at your local library.
In Math,
We will be continuing unit 6. Our unit assessment for unit 6 is scheduled for Thursday, 5/27. We sent home a study guide this week that is due on Wednesday 5/26. Prior to the assessment, we will work on lessons that focus on 2 dimensional shape attributes and continue to build their mathematical understanding and vocabulary. We will also be reviewing perimeter and area, which we spent a lot of time working on the previous two weeks. Also, the May number corner, focuses on area and fractional values of a whole.
For Science/Social Studies,
We are continuing chapter 11, our government unit. Recently, we learned about taxes and government provided services such as libraries, free education and police services. We also learned about rights and responsibilities as citizens of the United States. We have started the lessons on early United States Government and the Declaration of Independence. We will continue to learn more about this and our next main focus is the three branches of government and division of power. This unit will continue until the end of the year.
Ms. Naomi’s EE lessons are complete for the year. Instead, Ms. Naomi will be working with our students next week to plant the garden outside of room 18. Please make sure your student is prepared to be outside daily, sunhats, sunscreen and bug spray is recommended.
We will continue participating in phenology and solo spots, alternating each week and now this will usually be on Mondays (sometimes other days as our schedule dictates). Remote always at home students may complete these by going outside in their own yard, or, if this is not possible, by looking out a window at nature.
I hope you have a wonderful week!