Hi Families!
Quick notes to know:
- 4/26-4/30 Please have students bring in music notebooks
- Now- 5/1 Scholastic Book Order Class code: P83VZ
- Monday, April 26th-30th – IAR testing each morning; make-ups to follow
- Monday, May 3rd, 4th, and 6th – ISA testing; make-ups to follow
- Monday, May 3rd-10th – NWEA testing
- 5/3- 5/7= 3rd/4th Native American Week
- Tuesday, April 27-Board Meeting
- Thursday, April 29- ABC Countdown Begins
- Friday, April 30-Materials Pick Up (remote only)
- May 11th – Virtual Pioneer Field Trip
- Tuesday, May 18th- Picture Day
Homework Calendar LINK
Powerschool link
- Gradeband ¾ is looking for donations of free fabric for Native American Week- any cotton, fleece or cotton blend type fabrics will work (silky or satin type fabrics won’t work well).
- Additionally, we are looking for volunteers to cut fabric into 8.5 inch circles. We will need about 100 (hoping for several volunteers to cut some to reach this number).
- Mrs. Klug-Highland is planning on having the students use their Music Notebooks next week in Music Class. Please send these in. Thank you.
- The week of 4/26 we will be completing the IAR testing each morning.
- 4/30 Materials Pick Up/Drop off is for remote students only. I will follow up with an email detailing what to drop off. Thank you!
Due to testing and Native American Week, some of our learning will be adjusted to allow for these activities.
In Writing and Reading,
We are working on a poetry unit. Students will be learning about the different types of poetry and then writing a poem in each style. We will also be reading about Pioneers and Native Americans to support our learning topics for the next two weeks.
In Math,
We have finished Unit 5. For the next two weeks due to testing and our special Native American week, we will be able to start unit 6. Unit 6 focuses on geometry and 2 dimensional shapes.
An overview of the unit:
In Unit 6, students develop increasingly precise ways to describe, classify, and make generalizations about two-dimensional shapes, particularly quadrilaterals. In Module 1, students explore polygons in a variety of creative ways. In Module 2, they form polygons and special quadrilaterals to build understanding that shared attributes can define a larger category. Module 3 combines geometry and measurement as students measure the perimeters and areas of polygons. Module 4 offers students opportunities to apply what they’ve learned about quadrilaterals and area in the context of fractions.
For Science/Social Studies,
We are finishing chapter 5, which focuses on westward expansion. Students will be reading about everyday life for pioneers and settlers. We will also write an assignment that compares life for pioneers to life now. We will read story books that add to our understanding of pioneers. We will be reading “The Log Cabin Church” and “When Wagons Rumbled West.”
During Native American week, we will have a special Native American visitor (mainly on zoom) who will tell us about Native Americans and their artifacts. We will create bracelets, weave paper, learn about legends and then write our own, along with many other fun activities that will enhance our understanding of Native Americans.
Ms. Naomi is continuing to meet with students for special EE lessons. Please make sure your student is prepared to be outside daily.
We will continue participating in phenology and solo spots, alternating each week and now this will usually be on Mondays (sometimes other days as our schedule dictates). Remote always at home students may complete these by going outside in their own yard, or, if this is not possible, by looking out a window at nature.
I hope you have a wonderful week!