Hi Families!
Quick notes to know:
- 12/18 2:30 p.m. Staff Vs. Student Basketball game
- 12/20/19 Early Release (Snunch)
- Please send in a light snunch.
- Please send in a large bag, as we will be sending home all items from lockers.
- Holiday Sing Assembly 8:15-9:30
- Holiday Parties 11:45 – 12:45
- 12/23-1/3/20 Winter break
- 1/6/20 School resumes
- 1/10/20 Natural Leader’s Assembly
- 1/17/20 Winter Band Concert
- Our classroom is planning on having a cultural food tasting for our winter party. We would like families to donate a small portion or taste of a food (for 24 students) you traditionally eat for holidays or in your home; a food around the world type theme, with just a small portion for each student to taste. The foods can be a representation of any tradition that you have in your home= sugar cookies, ethnic foods, family recipes, American foods, etc. Really any food from your home that may be part of your family’s tradition. Families who donate a dish/food to the party should also include an ingredient list for allergy reasons. You may also have your student prepare a few words about your dish and your tradition if you like. Thank you for your help!
- Please send a snunch and large bag for Friday. Thank you!
Reading and Writing,
This week we not have spelling groups. There will be no spelling homework.
When we return on 1/6 we will resume our normal spelling schedule.
In writing we are working on our rough draft of our persuasive essay. Students have developed a product that they want to convince a toy company to make. We have developed our toy and completed a graphic organizer of our ideas, including convincing reasons. This week, we will work on writing the rough draft. When we return after break, we will be editing and developing our final draft and an illustration of our product.
This week, students have requested an extra week to complete their final chapter book project. Third graders will complete their movie poster based on the book, and fourth graders will complete their slideshow based on the book.
Students will write a short persuasive letter to a friend, as well as, roll a narrative story. We will be listening to a poem about snowflakes and a story called “Animals in Winter.” We will be continuing to work on cursive handwriting and keyboarding.
When we return, we will start a short unit on figurative language. Students will work on learning about types of figurative language, recognizing these techniques in stories, as well as, using these in their own writing.
3rd grade Math,
We are in Unit 4 and focusing on the development of measurement and fraction concepts. Next week, we will be starting module 2. Monday there will be a checkpoint on time then they will be investigating liquid volume and mass. Later this week, lessons will feature two sets of measurement-related story problems. Students compare strategies for solving problems that necessitate identifying the operations needed, and which in some cases require more than one step and one operation to solve. After break we will finish up module 2 and start on module 3.
After break, we will continue measurement related story problems and start module 3. In module 3, students will have a checkpoint on measurement and then begin a multi-session investigation of fractions. In the first session, students will share imaginary cookies with varying numbers of people. The class compares the different unit fractions, noting that fractions do not have to be congruent to be equivalent. Next, students will compare and order unit fractions from greatest to least. The teacher will guide students toward the generalization that the larger the number of people sharing
something, the smaller the share.
4th grade math,
Please see Mrs. Ottaviani’s website for 4th grade math information and updates.
Science/Social Studies,
Students are learning about electricity, conductors, open and closed circuits. Students have built models of closed circuits, series circuits and parallel circuits. Ms. Naomi has taught a special lesson using a solar panel as an energy source.
This week we will continue to work with series and parallel circuits. Students will also create a switch to open and close a circuit. Last we will learn about different types of conductors. The electricity assessment is planned for Thursday 12/19, a study guide will be sent home Monday. After break we will start a short science unit on sound and sound waves.
We are continuing phenology and solo spots, alternating each week. Please make sure your student is prepared to be outside on a regular basis.
I hope you have a wonderful week!