Hi Families!
Quick notes to know:
- 12/2/19 Pizza Day sign up due by noon
- 12/4/19 Early Release
- Thursday, December 5th 3:45 -5:30 pm (one time club) Frozen 2 fan Club
- 12/6/19 Pizza Friday
- 12/7/19 Winter Market Place/Artisan Fair
- Thursday, December 12th 3:45 -5:30 pm (one time club) Winter Craft Club
- 12/13/19 Holiday Bazaar
- 12/20/19 Early Release- Holiday Sing Assembly 8:15-9:30
Holiday Parties 11:45 – 12:45
- I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
- Thank you so much for all the generous change contributions to Change For Change! Your donations will help make a difference with The United Way of Lake County. Great job everyone!
- Thank you to Alexandra Crothers, a local High School student (and Kieran’s sister) who chose our classroom to complete her class project. She came in and had the students play a very fun game about recycling.
- Our classroom is planning on having a cultural food tasting for our winter party. We would like families to donate a small portion or taste of a food you traditionally eat for holidays or in your home; a food around the world type theme, with just a small portion for each student to taste. The foods can be a representation of any tradition that you have in your home= sugar cookies, ethnic foods, family recipes, American foods, etc. Really any food from your home that may be part of your family’s tradition. Families who donate a dish/food to the party should also include an ingredient list for allergy reasons. You may also have your student prepare a few words about your dish and your tradition if you like. Thank you for your help!
Reading and Writing,
This week we have our normal spelling groups. Students should follow the normal homework schedule.
In writing we are starting a persuasive essay. We will start with a lesson on persuasive and identifying similarities to our informational essay. Then we will move through the stages of developing our stance, researching facts, organizing our ideas and information in a graphic organizer, developing a rough draft, editing and developing a final draft. This essay will span the next three weeks, with the final draft being completed just before winter break.
We are finishing our chapter book studies. The third graders are reading, “The Chocolate Touch” and the fourth graders are reading, “Underworlds, The Battle Begins.” Students will finish their chapter packets. Students will also create a final project to identify the elements of the chapter book they have read. Third graders will create a movie poster based on the book, and fourth graders will create a slideshow based on the book.
Students will be working on a writing prompt regarding the elements of their chapter books. Third graders will write an apology letter as if they are John Midas, while fourth graders will write a letter from Hades to Loki.
We will be continuing to work on cursive handwriting and keyboarding.
3rd grade Math,
We are finishing Unit 3. Students will review the study guide on Monday, with the unit 3 assessment scheduled for Tuesday. Then we will begin unit 4. The mathematical focus of Unit 4 is the development of measurement and fraction concepts. These are related because measurement is continuous, unlike counting, which is discrete. In measuring time, mass, volume, and length, students have to shift from counting one by one to dealing with spans. We will be finishing module 1 and starting module 2 in the next two weeks. During Module 1 students investigate time and mass through hands-on experiences, a new Work Place game, and carefully constructed questions and discussions. After beginning the module with a unit pre-assessment, students will practice telling time and begin working with elapsed time. Students also learn how to measure mass on a pan balance scale and then estimate, measure, and compare the masses of various objects.
In module 2 students continue their work with measurement, first investigating liquid volume and then learning a new Work Place activity offering hands-on opportunities to estimate mass, liquid volume, and length. Later lessons will feature two sets of measurement-related story problems. Students compare strategies for solving problems that necessitate identifying the operations needed, and which in some cases require more than one step and one operation to solve.
4th grade math,
Please see Mrs. Ottaviani’s website for 4th grade math information and updates.
Science/Social Studies,
Students are finishing their science unit for magnets, with the unit assessment planned for Tuesday. Study materials were sent home prior to Thanksgiving break. We will then start our unit on electricity. We will work on this unit until winter break. Students will learn about electricity, conductors, open and closed circuits and will build a model to allow a light bulb to shine. We will also explore using a solar panel to make light bulbs shine with Ms. Naomi.
We are continuing phenology and solo spots, alternating each week. Please make sure your student is prepared to be outside on a regular basis.
I hope you have a wonderful week!