Hi Families!
Quick notes to know:
- 11/1-Daylight Savings Time Ends
- 11/3 No School
- 11/6-Materials Pick-up
- 11/13 Early Release- Teacher In-Service
- 11/13 End of Trimester 1
Homework Calendar LINK
Powerschool link
What a wonderful party! The students had so much fun! Thank you to all the parents who contributed to the party, and a HUGE thank you to Mrs. Domanski for organizing and leading such an engaging, fun experience for the students!
Mrs. Trage and I are so excited about our school-wide Green Challenge of “More Green, Less Screen.” We hope you are able to embrace it in your homes. We will also be incorporating into our lessons the Green Challenge of “More Green, Less Screen.”
For the 11/6 Materials Pick-Up, we are asking students to return:
The Chocolate Touch packet pages 6 and 7 – Understanding the story and Chapter Summary
Personal narrative (will be completing this week)
Nature journal (the whole notebook)- that has Solo Spots and Phenology inside
Math Student Book pages 62, the home connections pages 33-34 38
The read to self book that was loaned out
Please make sure your child’s first and last name are on each of the pages, as well as, “Larson.” Then, please place them inside the materials pick up and drop off folder your child labeled and then place the folder into the materials bag and return on 11/6. Thank you so much for your support!
In Writing,
This week we will be working on a personal narrative piece that will be turned in on Friday during material drop off. Students will write a short retelling of an experience that shows storyteller voice. We will especially be zooming in on telling bit by bit and using good sensory details. Following this, we will start working on persuasive writing.
We will also be having a PBIS lesson this week led by Mrs. Meyer.
In Reading, We are continuing working on each comprehension skill from the necklace over time. We will continue to review and use the skills we have learned. We have just learned about inferring, which we will continue to work on. Our next skill we will work on is Fix- Up Bear. Students will learn to back up and reread when they do not remember or didn’t understand a text. We are continuing our novel study on “The Chocolate Touch.” We have completed chapters 1-3 and will continue onto chapters 4-6. Students will be read to and assigned to read on their own specific pages. As we work through the book they will also answer questions about what they have read. Sometimes we will work together as a group on this, and sometimes students will need to answer the questions on their own.
In Math, We are continuing Unit 2, module 3 and will be moving toward module 4. At this time, I am planning the Unit 2 assessment for November 11th.
In module 3 we are finishing:
Students will begin to explore the ratio table,
a model and tool that invites proportional thinking. In
Sessions 3 and 4, they identify and label types of multiplication
facts in a table to help them begin to internalize
these basic combinations.
We will also start module 4, which focuses on:
Story Problems with Graphs & Multiple Operations.
Students solve multi-step problems in the context of
library books. The problems require use of a variety of
operations—including multiplication and multi-digit
addition and subtraction—to answer questions about
data. Students complete the Unit 2 Post-Assessment
at the end of this module.
We will be introducing and working on the November number corner. The November number corner focuses on area, while reinforcing multiplication skills. In our collection, we will have a fraction race. As we spin random amounts of fractions, they will race to build whole numbers on a number line.
For Science/Social Studies, we are finishing our wetland flip books, students requested more time to complete this. Then, students will also write a personal birth certificate and personal timeline as we learn about documenting history. This will segway into a later part of the unit on early Illinois history.
Ms. Naomi will come and teach a special EE lesson on interrelationships. Students will learn how everything on the earth is connected and interdependent. She will also teach how there are consequences when relationships become unbalanced.
We will continue participating in phenology and solo spots, alternating each week on Friday afternoons (sometimes other days as our schedule dictates). Your student may complete these by going outside in your own yard, or, if this is not possible, by looking out a window at nature.
I hope you have a wonderful week!