Hi Families!
Quick notes to know:
- 1/29/21 No School- Teacher Planning Day
- 1/29/21 Materials Exchange 3:00 -4:00 p.m.- These bags will contain party supplies for the Valentine’s Day party on 2/11
- 2/11/21 E.R. & Valentine’s Day party
- 2/12 No School- Teacher Institute
- 2/15 No School- Presidents Day
Homework Calendar LINK
Powerschool link
Congratulations to all of our students who tried out for the Spelling Bee, Mrs. Trage and I were thrilled to have students take the chance and participate in this unique competition! Also, congratulations to Ellis who made it past the first round of the Spelling Bee!
We also wanted to thank everyone for contributing to the Valentine’s Day party! Please know that the supplies for the party will be sent home in the pick up this Friday 1/29. Please have students set aside the Valentine materials and treats for the party day, 2/11.
The next materials pick up will be on 1/29 from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Students should drop off: Martin Luther King Jr. Writing Prompt papers, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing chapter 2 questions (completing this week), math pages SB 122, 133 and HC 71-72 and their camouflaged rabbit from science (this week).
In Writing,
Students are starting a longer project. This will span the next 2-3 weeks. Students are learning about a specific person. Then they will be working on a writing project to tell biographical information on that person, as well as, their life and accomplishments. Students will need to read and research their person, which was started last week. Students will also be recording information onto a graphic organizer and next week, creating a rough draft virtually. Their final project will be a lap book that tells all about the important person they studied.
In Reading,
We will be reading biographical texts to support our writing project. We are also starting a new chapter book, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing written by Judy Blume. For most of the book, students will be reading the odd numbered chapters as a class. We will also be answering questions for the odd numbered chapters as a class or in small groups. For most of the book, students will be responsible for reading the even numbered chapters. Following this, they will also need to answer the questions for the even numbered chapters. I will be collecting these to assess their progress and for grading purposes. Students will be given specific reading class times to complete the assigned chapters, however the reading and questions will be done independently.
In Math, We are finishing unit 4. This unit focuses on measurement concepts and skills. The unit assessment is planned for the Wednesday, 2/3. Students will be given enrichment time this week to work on the study guide, which is due on 2/2 for review as a whole class. This week and next, prior to the assessment, we will complete module 3 and 4 of unit 4.
Module 3 and 4 Fractions as Fair Shares
Students extend their study of fractions, begun
in first and second grade, to include new
models and concepts. They fold paper rectangle
“cookies” and work with them to develop deep
understandings of unit fractions and common
fractions. In the Hexagon Spin & Fill Work Place,
featuring pattern blocks, they focus on equivalent
fractions. Next they investigate fractions as
measures, exploring the fact that a unit fraction
1b is the distance from 0 to 1b and a common
fraction ab can be modeled on a number line by
making a hops of 1b.
We are finishing our January number corner. This number corner reinforces fractional values, as well as, shape recognition. A pattern will evolve over time revealing equivalent fractions. Our January collection is elapsed time to reinforce this measurement concept. We will roll dice to determine the minutes gained each day and add it to our collection.
For Science/Social Studies,
We are working on a science unit on animal adaptations. Students are learning about different animals adaptations and how this helps them survive. They will also learn the difference between behavioral adaptations and physical adaptations. Students will be working on an experiment this week to reinforce the concept of camouflage. You may even be asked to participate in their experiment!
Ms. Naomi will continue to teach us a special EE lesson. She also will be checking up on students’ progress on their EE goal.
We will continue participating in phenology and solo spots, alternating each week usually on Friday afternoons (sometimes other days as our schedule dictates). This week Phenology will be on Tuesday 1/25, in order to allow students to closely observe the snow and due to the Friday meetings. Your student may complete these by going outside in your own yard, or, if this is not possible, by looking out a window at nature.
I hope you have a wonderful week!