Hi Families!
Quick notes to know:
- 1/15/20 Early Release
- 1/17/20 Winter Band Concert 7 pm Gaylord Nelson Gym
- 1/20/20 No School – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- 1/21/20 Kids Heart Challenge Assembly
- 1/22/20 Farm To Table
- 1/27/20 PCCS CARES Assembly
- Thank you! For the many wonderful dishes you shared from your home and your heart for our party! Everyone has such a fun and delicious time!
- Spelling Bee: Will be held on Friday, January 10th in the 3rd and 4th grade classrooms to determine who will move on to compete in the school spelling bee.
- School Restrooms: Many have you have been inquiring about the new changes in our single use bathrooms here on campus. As per State Law (“The Equitable Restrooms Act” effective January 1, 2020), all single occupancy restrooms at all public schools are to be designated as Gender-Neutral. Rest assured, that each of our single use restrooms will continue to be monitored by staff and each of the doors have the appropriate hardware to ensure complete privacy. The locker areas/restrooms in the Gaylord Nelson Gym will remain labeled as Gender-Specific as they are equipped with multiple facilities. If you have further questions regarding this new public act, please feel free to contact Mr. Zamiar.
- Testing: This week, we will be administering several standardized tests for a data check in. These assessments help show growth in our students, as well as, guide us in instruction for the remainder of the year.
- Safety Issue: As the weather gets colder, the traffic on Amos Bennett seems to increase. This creates a significant Safety Concern for our students. Please help us decrease this hazard by using the prescribed carpool procedures and not Amos Bennett Rd. to park, pick up, or drop off students before or after school. It is a significant safety hazard to our students and neighbors. If you must park to pick up or drop off your child for any reason, please do so in the school’s designated parking areas. Thank you. – Tony Zamiar
Reading and Writing,
In writing we are finishing our persuasive essay. The final draft will be typed and displayed with an illustration of each student’s product.
On Tuesday, we are starting a fictional narrative unit with children’s author Natalie Rompella. Mrs. Rompella will visit once a week to work with the students in supporting lessons of our narrative unit. This unit will span for about 4 weeks. We will focus on dialogue, paragraphs and character development during this unit.
We have started a unit on figurative/non-literal language. Students have learned about similes, metaphors, and hyperboles. We will continue this unit this week and next. We will review what we have learned and also learn about onomatopoeia, idioms, personification and allusion. Students will learn what these techniques are, recognize them in text and apply them to their own writing.
This week we will listen to a story about Martin Luther King Jr. in our listening center. We will also read about Martin Luther King Jr. in our reading groups and independently on Raz kids. Next week, we will listen to “The Kindness Quilt” in our listening center and create our own kindness square. In our reading groups, we will read informational articles on acts of kindness and answer questions about the articles.
3rd grade Math,
We are in Unit 4 and focusing on the development of measurement and fraction concepts. This week we are continuing our module on fractions and fractional values. Students will place fractions in order of value and use blocks as fair shares of a larger shape. Next week, we will create bean stalks, measure their height and mark fractional parts of an inch. We will also be playing games that will reinforce the measurement concepts we have been learning; volume, mass, length and time. Our unit assessment is planned for Monday January 27th.
4th grade math,
Please see Mrs. Ottaviani’s website for 4th grade math information and updates.
Science/Social Studies,
We are in the middle of our science unit on sound. Students will be learning more about how the ear works, and sound waves. This week, Ms. Naomi will teach a special lesson about sound.
We are continuing phenology and solo spots, alternating each week. Please make sure your student is prepared to be outside on a regular basis.
I hope you have a wonderful week!