This Monday, we had a field trip to Old School Forest Preserve in Libertyville. This was a great opportunity to team up with Mr. Flinn in P.E. to go outside for fitness…and to get some bird watching in! We started the day by making our way by bus to the forest preserve. Once we were there, we walked to the fitness trail and were able to do some of the exercises on there with Mr. Flinn. It was a lot of fun. We then went to the pavilion to have our lunch…and then to the playground for recess. The rest of the day was spent exploring different areas of the forest preserve. We were able to make our way around the pond and look at different birds there. We also were able to explore the forest area and see if their were some different birds there. Some groups saw woodpeckers, turkey vultures, robins, barn swallows, red-winged blackbirds and other birds. Make sure to ask your student what they saw!
Old School Forest Preserve