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January Green Challenge

Good afternoon!

This morning our school held its monthly green challenge assembly. The challenge presented for the month of January is to SAVE ENERGY. Our class brainstormed some ways we could do this in the classroom and at home.

The following video shared by Ms. Naomi helped us out with some information on energy and great ideas for using less of it! Take a look – it’s just a few minutes long, but packed full of helpful tips.
Saving Energy Video

After making a list of ways we are already saving energy in our classroom and our goals for saving even more, students worked in small groups to create posters to serve as a reminder throughout the month. They did a fantastic job!


Students created posters representing the changes we would make to save more energy as a class.

Here were some of our students’ thoughts:

What have we done so far?

Light’s off…

  • When we leave the classroom
  • When we can use sunlight, instead

Keep room temperature at 70 degrees (as the maximum for winter)

Walking instead of driving (using a car only if there is an emergency or if the weather is bad)

Carpool when we can’t walk

What else can we do?

Unplug electronics when not in use (Example: Tablets)

Bring extra layers when the room is cooler in the winter

Use both sides of the paper for writing time

Turn off the faucet when we can (we learned that heating water takes energy, too!)

We hope you’ll join us in this challenge and find ways that our whole community can work towards using less energy. Good luck! 🙂

Mrs. Buesking