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Health Education – January 2018

Health Education: 

Students in 5th grade will begin an (8 week unit) on Health Education starting the week of January 15-19, 2018.

Students in 6th, 7th, 8th will begin an (18 week unit) on Health Education starting the week of January 15-19, 2018.

Week 1: Self-Esteem

Week 2: Decision-Making

Week 3: Smoking Information

Week 4: Advertising

Week 5: Dealing with Stress

Week 6: Communication Skills

Week 7: Social Skills

Week 8: Assertiveness

Week 1: Self-Image & Self-Improvement

Weeks 2-3: Making Decisions

Week 4: Smoking: Myths and Realities

Week 5: Smoking and Biofeedback

Week 6: Alcohol: Myths and Realities

Week 7: Marijuana: Myths and Realities

Week 8: Advertising

Week 9: Violence and the Media

Weeks 10-11: Coping with Anxiety

Week 12: Coping with Anger

Week 13; Communication Skills

Weeks 14-15: Social Skills

Weeks 16-17: Assertiveness

Week 18: Resolving Conflicts

Thank you,

Mr. Loustaunau (Coach Chris)