Hello! Here are some important items for the month of December. Please take a moment to read these and if you have any questions please contact myself or Mrs. Breitenfield. Thank you!
* This month we have a handful of items going on that we are excited about. First, students will be receiving reading and math data from their NWEA tests that they should bring home to share with you. I encourage you to talk with your students about their scores and help them to set goals and understand how they can achieve them.
* Next week, students will have an early release on Wednesday and then participate in the Holiday Bazaar on Thursday. For this event students should bring money to purchase a variety of different items.
* On Dec. 12th, students from grades 4-8 will have the opportunity to participate in the Geography Bee. Students will test their knowledge of geography against their classmates by competing in a friendly and fun competition.
* On Dec. 16th classes will be performing at the Holiday Sing assembly. Students will be learning classic Holiday songs in a variety of different languages to share with the school during the assembly.
* Our Holiday Party will be held on Dec. 20th on the last day of school before break. There will be more information coming next week so be on the lookout for emails from Mrs. Kotzamanis!
A note from the office:
Please take a few minutes and share your opinions about PCCS through the 5Essentials Survey. This survey is available for parents to take now through January 16, 2017. We will need 20% of our parents to complete the survey in order for survey results to be shared. We would love to have 100% parent input! Please share your thoughts!
Our Veterans are taking the lead this year and heading up the Toys for Tots Drive. Toys for Tots benefits a number of local agencies and townships, providing needy children with a little extra holiday cheer. We will have a Toys for Tots Collection Box in the Office Waiting Room beginning Monday. Please consider donating a new toy, game or book for our local children in need. No donation is too small! Thank you for your generosity!
Upcoming Events:
12/7 – Early Release Schedule
12/8 – Holiday Bazaar
12/12 – Geography Bee
12/16 – Winter Sing
12/20 – Holiday Party
12/20 – Owl Prowl
12/21- Winter Break Begins