Greetings families,
Despite only having four weeks between Thanksgiving Break and Winter Break, we have a lot going on! Earlier this week we attended the Green Challenge Assembly on “composting” and took some time to examine how we compost here at school and how we can better support that cause. On Thursday, Dec. 7th the Holiday Bazaar is taking place and students will have the opportunity to purchase gifts for their families for only $1 per gift! Thank you to all those who donated items or time to help put on this great event. Please take a moment to read about what your students are learning about in class and upcoming events at school.
We are coming to the end of our unit on adding and subtracting fractions and will have our unit test next week. Students have been learning how to add and subtract fractions using several different methods such as money/clock models, double number lines, and ratio tables. Students should utilize their math spiral notes, google classroom, and workbooks to review material and lessons for the unit test. Students have also been asked to complete any quiz/test retake from our current unit before winter break to be eligible to improve their scores. Please encourage your students to check PowerSchool to stay on top of their academics (scores/missing work/etc) and see me as soon as possible if they would like to retake any assessments. Looking ahead, the next unit will focus on place value and decimals. I will send out more information when the unit begins.
Social Studies
After finishing their unit on the structure of the United States Government, students are now working on collecting research about a specific national park, which they will use to write an informational report and design a oral presentation for the class. Please click here for a description and complete timeline of this assignment. This week, students should have completed their research and received three signatures from me on their packets (and one from you!) and should now be working to complete the rough draft of their five paragraph report on their selected National Park. The final draft of this report is due Tuesday, December 12th, and the presentation must be completed by Monday, December 18th.
Upcoming Events:
- PCCS board member Dan Fedor is launching a Virtual Computer Coding Club for 5th-8th graders. There is no prior coding experience necessary, this club lets students work on their coding skills from home and learn at their own pace. An orientation/registration night is being held Tuesday, 12/12 at 7pm in Muir Hall. Students should bring their Chromebooks to the meeting. If your student cannot make the orientation night, students can still register for the club (registration link will be sent out the day after the orientation evening). If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering to assist, please contact
- Click here for a flyer from the Green Team about their latest event, the second annual Owl Prowl
- The Winter Sing is on Friday, 12/22 from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM in the gym.
- The 5/6 Holiday Party will be on Friday, 12/22 from 11:45 AM to 12:45 PM.
Important Dates
Tuesday, 12/12: Geography Bee Assembly, 8:15 in the gym, Go Zane!
Tuesday, 12/19: Green Team’s Owl Prowl
Wednesday, 12/20: Staff vs. Students Basketball Game
Friday, 12/22: Winter Sing, 8:30-9:30 in the gym…Winter party, 11:45-12:45…Early Release, 1pm
12/25 – 1/5: No School (Winter Break)