Today in class we learned 2 new nonfiction features! We learned about graphs and diagrams. Diagrams are a labeled picture. Graphs are a visual representation that helps a reader better understand information. It was really tough to find graphs in our books, so we had to look online for them.
In the afternoon we had 2 writing prompts to choose from. One was about how computers change our lives and the other was rewriting the ending to a story that we’ve read.
From the office: Parents, teachers, and 6th-8th grade students will again be asked to participate in the the 5Essentials survey. As a parent of a child at PCCS, you have a unique opportunity to take part in this survey, which will allow you to share your opinions and perspective about PCCS. We guarantee that survey responses will NEVER be connected to you or your child. School reports will only present summary information of how parents responded as a whole. Your participation in the Illinois 5Essentials Survey will help to understand your child’s school and guide improvement. Click HERE to begin the survey.