I’ve finally been able to return to school; It was so nice to get back in the swing of things and catch up with the students. If you were wondering, I do not recommend catching the flu that is going around right now. It’s pretty miserable.
Today the students made kazoos during science using wax paper and toilet paper tubes. The next time we work on science we’ll try some different materials on our kazoos to see the results and talk about why some materials may work better than others. The goal is for the students to feel the vibrations of the kazoo while talking into it, which most did. This will lead us into vibrations making sound.
We reviewed how to make the letter f today! It’s a pencil pick-up letter, but you start with the tall part of the letter. The last step is the horizontal cross.
I’ll be submitting our Scholastic order in the morning, so please make any orders you want to tonight. Thank you!