Good Evening,
School Attendance and Spirit week begin Monday. We will be decorating our door throughout the week. If you have any spare materials that will fit into our nature theme, please feel free to send them in with your student on Monday. Felt, fabric, pipe cleaners, buttons, tissue paper, clothes pins… and the list could go on. Thank you in advance! I look forward to this hands on activity with students.
Monday: Crazy Hat Day…be creative 🙂
Tuesday: Spirit Wear… PCCS shirts
Wednesday: Pajama or Sports Day
Thursday: Crazy Hair Day
Friday: Wear GREEN
Students attended our first Green Challenge Assembly this morning. Our theme is EAT REAL. I look forward to our Eat Real lessons being incorporated into the curriculum and the opportunity for students to taste the garden goods we planted in the Spring. We kick off our Green Challenge with our first Farm To Table on Wednesday. If your student is signed up, please send them to school with a plate, bowl, and utensils.
Curriculum Night will be held on Tuesday, September 11th from 6-7:00 p.m. in Muir Hall. The 3/4 grade band will present and then I invite you to come to the classroom to learn about classroom specifics. I look forward to seeing you all Tuesday!
Students will begin bringing home Spelling words on Monday. I’ve attached a letter here that explains the wonderful program we use.
4th grade Math students continue to work on multiplication and division skills using models, strategies, and multiplicative comparisons. They also solve multiplication and division story problems and have used their knowledge to begin creating their own using numbers and situations. This week, we began using the area method model to investigate factors and multiples and prime and composite numbers. We’ve also reviewed strategies for finding single digit multiplication facts. In addition, I sent home a parent letter for IXL this week. Please ask your student to share this information with you, if they haven’t done so already. Your students username and login is stapled to the letter. Students may use IXL at home to practice Math and Language Arts. We also introduced Number Corner. This activity allows students to observe patterns and practice broader mathematical concepts. We use a calendar grid and predict and observe patterns as a whole.
English Language Arts
In Writing, students have begun working in their cursive writing books. Each grade level has a specific book to work in. We’ve also been writing based on prompts, practicing punctuation, capitalization, and grammar skills. Today, we had our first peer editing session, where students read their peers papers and made suggested corrections.
In Reading, we introduced “Read to Someone” as a part of our Daily 5 curriculum. Students now Read to Self, Read to Someone, and Practice Writing during this time. Our class really enjoys reading and sharing their reading interests with a partner during Read to Someone.
We completed our Prairie Unit with a Prairie Mural. Students used their knowledge to draw plants, animals, insects, and flowers that live in the prairie and wrote about them as well. We hung our pictures on our Mural in our grade band. Be sure to take a peek at it when you come for Curriculum night! Today, we began our Woodlands Unit. We ventured to a specific wooded area with Ms Naomi, our Environmental Dean, and learned about different types of trees, the importance of bark, and types of fungi. Students participated in partner activities and really enjoyed interacting with their natural surroundings.
3rd Grade Math
I invite you to visit Mrs. Larson’s classroom page on the website. She posts bi-weekly on Sunday evenings. The login is: PCCSparent Password is: PCCS@1999-2019
Please be sure to regularly check our Classroom Homework Calendar. I post homework daily. I also include the 3rd grade Math on this calendar.
Also, if you are interested in volunteering for lunch/recess, you may do so by visiting our Classroom Volunteer Calendar.
Both of these calendars are also linked on the website.
You may access my classroom page using the login: PCCSparent and password: PCCS@1999-2019.
Please free to reach out with any questions! Thank you so much for your partnership!