I would like to start by thanking all of the parents who donated food and donated time to help out with our first Delicious Math Day. The students made a salad and an orange vinaigrette dressing. The salad was enjoyed by all with no left overs. A recipe will be going out shortly via email for all families. Please take time and make the dressing yourself. Along with the fun of making the food there was also a math packet that went home as well. The packet used the information from the recipe to make ratio and proportion problems.
Please remember that Curriculum night is on 9/16/19 and starts at 6:00 pm. We will be starting in the Gymnasium with a presentation from Mr. Zamiar. From there we will be reconvening in the classroom.
Also tomato jubilee is on Friday from 9:30-12:30. Our classroom will be making flour tortillas. If you are able to help donate items or time to this amazing event the 5/6 grade team would be extremely thankful.