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Classroom News

Hello Families,
It certainly has been an interesting first week back after our winter break! Even with the break in the week, students have done a fantastic job settling back into our classroom routines.
Math A
Students should prepare and review for the module 2 test on Monday using the guide that we completed as a class. I encourage all students to study each day for 20-30 minutes.
Math B
Students are learning about inequality statements between two expressions. Students continue to write expressions correctly in standard form and solve equations. Students will take a mid-module assessment on Thursday, January 13th.
Our focus this week has been on earthquakes. Students learned about how an earthquake is measured and areas in the world earthquakes occur most often. Today, students use provided materials and requirements to create an earthquake proof building, in which we will test on Monday. Then, we will spend the rest of the week wrapping up our unit on our earth, with a short assessment on Thursday, January 13th.
Please remind your student to bring winter gear for our outdoor learning activities and recess. Snow Pants, boots, jacket, hat, and gloves are all highly encouraged. The 6th grade homework calendar is updated daily for your review. Have a great weekend. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Upcoming dates:
Friday 1/14 Homeroom Spelling Bee & early release @1pm.
Monday 1/17 No school, Martin Luther King, Jr. day