Good Morning,
What a wonderful first week of school. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know your student. We have a great group of learners in our classroom. We worked together to learn and model classroom expectations and dove into our studies as well.
Third grade math takes place in Mrs. Larson’s room. Fourth grade math is in my room. In fourth grade math, we began the week by reviewing skills, followed by a pre-assessment, and beginning our first module of the school year. We are currently working on multiplication, including, number lines, ratio tables, and arrays. Please encourage your student to practice their multiplication facts at home daily.
In Science, we are learning about the Scientific Method. Students participated in a variety of experiments, including “Save Fred” and “Dancing Raisins.” We will conclude this unit next week and will begin our Economics unit.
In reading, we are building stamina practicing our “read to self” skills as a part of our Daily 5 curriculum. Students will partake in 5 daily rotations, including read to self, read to someone, listen to reading, word work, and work on writing. In addition, students will work in a small reading group with the teacher.
Please encourage your student to read 15-20 minutes at home each day.
Ms. Naomi visited our classroom this week and taught the third graders, reviewed with the fourth graders, about Phenology. Each student has an interactive phonology booklet that we will use to observe changes in nature throughout the seasons this school year. We will rotate phenology and solo spots each week.
I encourage you to check our Classroom Homework Calendar daily. Additionally, please initial your students assignment notebook each night. We are off to a wonderful start! I encourage you to reach out to me with any questions, comments, or concerns and look forward to our partnership this year.
Upcoming Dates:
Picture Day: Tuesday, August 27th
*Picture forms came home last week with students*
Early Release: Friday, August 30th @ 1pm
No School Monday, September 2nd