Good Morning,
Students have been working on their Fictional stories in class during writing. They do have homework this evening and should complete at least half of their final drafts, if they didn’t do so in class today. Students placed their writing notebooks in their backpacks this morning after writing. Thank you for your partnership!
In Math, students are working on a comprehensive review assessment, which covers all of the material we’ve covered this school year. This will help guide our learning for the last weeks of 4th grade Math. I am so proud of each of your students.
In Reading, we will begin our Weather Unit, learning about hazardous weather conditions, the difference between weather and climate, and temperature in our area. We will work in small groups, as well as independently and whole group readings. This will tie into our Science unit…Weather. I am really excited about this upcoming unit as it covers local weather and climate, as well as, world weather.
Upcoming Dates:
*Tomorrow, Wednesday, May 15th, is Farm To Table. Please pack tableware for your student.
*We have our final NWEA test on Thursday, May 16th in the morning. Please remember to have your student get a good night rest and healthy breakfast.
*Thursday, May 23rd is outdoor classroom day.
*Friday, May 24th, Early Release 1:00pm.
*Monday, May 27th, No School Memorial Day
*Wednesday, May 29th Field Trip to The Grove
*Friday, May 31st S Key packet due
Thank you to all of you for a wonderful Teacher appreciation week. Mr. Siegel and I are very lucky to have such warm, caring families. We are extremely grateful for all of the cards, goodies, and gifts. Thank you!
Have a wonderful week. Please let me know if you have any questions.