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Classroom News

Good Evening,
I hope you are enjoying your long weekend and the snow. On Friday, we spoke in class about Martin Luther King Jr. day and the correlation for having Monday off. On Tuesday, Peace and School Choice weeks both begin. We will begin Peace week by learning about what peace means and why we value it, followed by barriers to peace, bridging barriers and peace heroes, and ending with how to be a hero for peace within our community, family, school, and world. Students will participate in a variety of activities throughout the week in the classroom. The schedule for School Choice week is: 

Monday:        No School

Tuesday:       Wear Yellow Scarves – Assembly

Wednesday:  Crazy Hat/Crazy Hair Day

Thursday: Dress-Up Day: Sports Day

Friday: School Spirit Wear Day  Wear PCCS GEAR

We will also be decorating our classroom door to represent our love for PCCS.

We also have our school-wide Spelling Bee on Tuesday morning. Congratulations to 3rd grade winner Gauri Hattarki and runner-up Cooper Jeffery, as well as, 4th grade winner Gautham Ashok and runner-up Henry Estrick. I am very proud of you all and wish you the best of luck at Tuesday mornings assembly.

In addition, students have earned their next classroom reward with positive tallies. I’ve set aside time on Tuesday afternoon for students to play board/card games. Students may bring in a game from home for that time and will be able to rotate and play in small groups. I’m looking forward to it and proud of your students positive behavior in the classroom.


In Writing, students continue to work on their Informative writing pieces. Students are researching using books and technology. We will begin writing our rough draft conclusions next week.

In Math, 4th grade students completed their Unit 4 Assessment and we will now be working on Unit 5, Geometry and Measurement. We had a guest, Mr. Andrews in class on Friday. Mr. Andrews teaches math at CLC and was a welcomed addition to math class. Students enjoyed asking him questions and were stellar learners. We worked on our multiplication skills and touched on division. Please continue to encourage your student to work on their math facts at home as well.

In Reading, we continue our Daily 5 routine. During small group, students are reading about Rocks, Sand, and Soil from our Science unit.

In Science/SS, we continue to study rocks, sand, and soil. Students love the experiments that we have been doing and have shown great teamwork skills. Please ask your student about erosion and our stream tables.

In Spelling, students receive their word sorts on Mondays. Sentences are due on Friday, prior to our test. 3rd grade should complete 10 full sentences and 4th grade should complete 15 full sentences. Students are also expected to know the meaning of each word and how to use it correctly in a sentence. We work on this during daily 5, but practice is encouraged at home as well.

Thank you for your continued partnership and support! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at anytime.