Good Morning,
We had a busy week in 3rd and 4th grade. I was impressed with students’ stamina during our NWEA testing and responsibility during our hard lockdown drill that occurred.
We have our first field trip on Friday, September 20th. If you do not have your students permission form and payment in, please do so as soon as possible. If you’re available to chaperone, please respond to this email. We are looking for additional chaperones. Chaperones will be confirmed on Monday.
4th Grade Math
Students have their math assessment tomorrow for Unit 1. On Friday, we completed a study guide as a class and students were asked to study for 15 minutes each day over the weekend. On Tuesday we will begin studying different types of measurement.
Social Studies
We continue to learn about Economics. Our field trip on Friday connects to our studies as students will learn about apple farming and factors that impact crops, such as weather.
Students created a t-chart as a class modeling internal and external character features. Using the model, students then created their own character. We then learned how to use those traits to form a descriptive paragraph using complete sentences.
We continue our Daily 5 reading in class. Students continue to gain stamina in all areas of reading in class. This week, we will add our listening to reading technology center. Students will use headphones for this center so please make sure your student has them at school.
*Please make sure you sign your students assignment notebook each night.
*Early Release on Wednesday, September 18th
*Field Trip Friday, September 20th
Please contact me with any questions or concerns. I appreciate your partnership