Good Evening,
Students earned extra recess time in class. We played games on Market Square prior to dismissal this afternoon. We will continue to work towards our next goal of extra recess next week. Please remind your student of the classroom expectations: being safe, respectful, and responsible. Our classroom noise level is a key component that we worked on this week during our transitions from subject to subject. We also spent time working on our “3S” lines….I encourage you to ask your student what the “S’s” stand for.
Next week we have our grade band Soup Day on Tuesday, October 30th. Please remember to have your student bring any items you volunteered for on Monday, October 29th. Thank you in advance for your support! We shelled the beans in small groups this week. Students really enjoyed the size and color variations of the beans we grew!
On Wednesday, we will have our Halloween Parade at 1:45, followed by our Classroom party at 2:15. Thank you all for your support and assistance with this. Please have your student bring their costume to school with them. We will have an opportunity for them to change prior to the parade. Please, no masks or facial paint. Thank you!
In Writing, we are working on cursive, as well as, our Informational papers. We also had our first visit from an Author this week. We will be writing Fractured Fairytales with her in small groups. She will visit once a week for the next month. It is such a wonderful opportunity for students and they really enjoyed asking her questions and seeing books published by her.
In Reading, we began our grade level novels. Third graders are reading “A Chocolate Touch” and fourth graders are reading “The Underworld.” We do have questions that go along with each chapter. Students are given an opportunity to complete their reading sections and questions in class, but may occasionally have at home reading to complete. Please make sure your student isn’t reading ahead. It is important that we complete each section together as a class. The google calendar is a great reference for assigned reading each day.
We continue to do Daily Five each day as well. Please make sure your student has ear buds or head phones for the listening portion.
In Spelling, students will continue to bring home a new word sort each Monday. Please assist your student in completing their assigned sentences each week. Students should be sorting their words and finding the meaning of any words that they are unsure of.
In SS/Science, we completed our Seven Continent maps this week. Students identified mountain areas, oceans, large rivers, and other land features on the maps. They really enjoyed this project and worked diligently! Next week, we will begin our Illinois maps, working on key land forms, rivers, lakes, and features within our State.
In Math, Fourth Graders took their Unit 2 Assessment today. On Monday we will begin Unit 3, continuing to learn multiplication, division, and work with fractions and decimals. We will review fractions skills and concepts and extend understanding using mixed numbers, improper fractions, and sophisticated strategies to generate equivalent fractions. Students should continue to practice multiplication facts at home and use IXL Math to build their skills.
The weather has certainly gotten colder and we spend a lot of time outdoors. Please make sure your student packs gloves and a hat for outdoor learning experiences and recess :).
A note from the office: If you haven’t already, please fill out this volunteer form. This form allows you to volunteer in the class. Thank you so much for your partnership and support!Please be in touch with any questions or comments.