Good Afternoon!
I hope you all are enjoying the sunshine today. Farm to Table is this Wednesday at 10:55am. We will be eating with students from Learn Charter School and having recess time with them. We are very excited for this opportunity!
Our school is proud to celebrate Veterans Day on Monday, November 12th. In honor of this day, we are planning to make two displays that will recognize the veterans in our families and communities. If you have a family member, friend, neighbor, or a member of a local veterans’ organization, please fill this form out . In the Carson building, we are planning to cut out a star for each student to record veterans’ names.
In addition, As the Commission shared at the meeting there is a email portal open that allow for those wishing to do so to send their comments and support to the Commission via email. Here are the details that Commission passed out at the Hearing.
“ An Email Forum will be open to accept public comments to:
Prairie Crossing Charter School Renewal
Wednesday October 17, 2018 at 6PM through Wednesday, October 24, 2018 at 6PM
Emails should be directed to
Please indicate in the subject line:
Prairie Crossing Charter School Renewal
For more information call 312-814-1258”
In Math, 4th grade students continue to learn different methods of multiplication. These methods include: Story problems, Doubling and Halving, Multiplying with Money, and making arrays. We will have a unit test this week after reviewing strategies. Please have your student work on their multiplication facts at home. They may use flashcards or IXL math on the computer.
In ELA, we continue to work on our reading comprehension skills by reading books to alone, to a friend, and listening to reading. We also are working in small groups to learn about Greek Mythology and will begin our grade level novels shortly.
Students continue to practice cursive skills and typing skills using “home row” with their fingers on Please encourage home row at home when your student uses a computer as well. We’re also researching a topic for our Informative Essay. Students are doing a wonderful job organizing their information and will begin writing their papers this week.
In Science/SS we are working on our mapping skills by exploring Illinois and our classroom. We’re learning terms such as relative location and absolute location. We are mapping our classroom using a scale as well. This week we will learn about the seven continents and map Illinois.
Thank you for all that you do and your partnership. Please email me with any questions or concerns. Have a wonderful day!