Good Evening,
Attendance week went really well in the Comstock building! We were over 98% for the entire week. Students really got into our spirit days, which was great to see! Each student worked on our PCCS classroom door decorating contest. It was a great team building activity. Mr. Siegel and I adopted a new classroom pet this week. It is a Russian Tortoise named Scratch. Scratch comes from a former PCCS student who is off to college. We will all work together as a class to care for Scratch.
4th graders should review their student journals this weekend to prepare for the first test on Monday. We continue to work on Composite and Prime numbers, as well as, multiplication, factors, division, and making predictions. Keep up the good work and continue to use IXL at home to build mathematical skills.
3rd Graders: Please view Mrs. Larson’s webpage.
We are currently working on Narrative writings. Students are using Graphic organizers to help them visualize and organize their information. This assists them in structuring their writing using five complete paragraphs. 3rd graders are aiming for 3-5 complete sentences per paragraph, using correct grammar and punctuation. 4th graders are aiming for 5 complete sentences per paragraph, using correct grammar and punctuation. We also continue to work within our 3rd and 4th grade handwriting books.
We continue to progress in our Daily 5 routine. Students are reading to self, reading to someone, and working on writing prompts. We will add word work and listening to reading as we progress and master these skills. Additionally, we will begin our small reading groups in class next week.
Words Your Way spelling sorts will come home each Monday. We took our first Spelling test today. Each test, on Friday’s, will consist of 10 random spelling words from their sort, 3 sentence words, where I provide a word and students must use it correctly in a sentence, and a bonus word.
We are working on our Wetlands Unit. Students have studied wetland species, plants, and soil types. We will begin our Wetland small group projects on Monday.
Next week we are participating in a “chalk the walk” activity. This activity stems from Gurnee and promotes outdoor fun. What better place to promote Outdoor fun and learning than PCCS?! All classes from PCCS will be decorating the sidewalk around our school to represent our Natural Leaders at PCCS. If you have extra sidewalk chalk, please feel free to send it in with your student on Monday. Our chalk art will be sent to Gurnee for judging. Go PCCS!
Have a Wonderful Weekend. Please be sure to check our Google Homework Calendar regularly!