- Chromebooks are to be used as instructional tools.
- Unless specifically instructed by the teacher, students should NOT play games on the Chromebooks at school. This includes during lunch/indoor recess/pack up time.
- Students must charge their Chromebooks at home each night.
- Teachers will inform students of specific times that Chromebooks may be used throughout the day.
- If a student misuses his/her Chromebook (uses Chromebook at an inappropriate time, visits websites not related to the lesson, etc.), consequences are as follows:
- First infraction: $75 (classroom money) fine and loss of computer privileges for one day
- Second infraction: Fine of $125 (classroom money) and loss of computer privileges for two days
- Third Infraction: Fine of $150 (classroom money) and loss of computer privileges for one week
**Serious misuse of Chromebooks can result in immediate office referral. Please see the Chromebook Laptop Loan form and PCCS Parent Student Handbook for more information.**